Luxembourg maintains its AAA rating


Credit rating agency DBRS Morningstar has once again awarded Luxembourg its AAA rating with a stable outlook, thereby confirming its belief in the country's growth and stable public finances.
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Luxembourg, a European testbed, at Smart City Barcelona


Luxembourg is an interesting testbed for international companies with smart city solutions targeting the European market. Company executives looking for the right place to expand their European activities can learn more at the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona on 15-17 November 2022.
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Ohmio Automotion Ltd expands to Luxembourg


Self-driving bus shuttle manufacturer Ohmio Automotion Ltd, with roots in Australia and New Zealand, will open its first European office in Luxembourg. After winning a key contract with national railway company CFL, Ohmio will use Luxembourg as its base for addressing the growing demand for autonomous vehicles in Europe.
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Vodafone to set up pan-European logistics platform in Luxembourg


On 26 October 2022, Luxembourg Minister of the Economy Franz Fayot and Ninian Wilson, the CEO of Vodafone Procurement Company, signed a memorandum of understanding for the establishment of Vodafone’s pan-European logistics platform in Luxembourg. The platform will strengthen Vodafone’s presence in Luxembourg even further.
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Fit 4 Start #13: 15 start-ups selected


15 start-ups from 9 different countries have been selected for participation in the 13th edition of start-up accelerator Fit 4 Start. In addition to 6 months of coaching, pre-seed funding and access to all the key players of the Luxembourg start-up ecosystem, participants will also be encouraged to look into how their products and services can have a positive sustainable impact.
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Supporting teaching and research in high performance computing


Developing the talents and expertise needed for a broad use of high performance computing (HPC) is a priority in Luxembourg. The Ministry of the Economy and the University of Luxembourg recently signed an agreement that provides a framework for HPC-focused higher education and research activities.
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Luxembourg attractive for foreign direct investment


In 2022, EY included Luxembourg for the first time it its series of country attractiveness surveys. Brice Lecoustey, Consulting Partner at EY Luxembourg, provided us with further insights into the factors that make Luxembourg attractive for foreign direct investment.
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Moselle: Savour the richness of the land


Now that summer is over and the harvest season is here, it’s the perfect time to discover Luxembourg's Moselle region and its natural, cultural, and gastronomic heritage.
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Luxembourg has 8th fastest internet in the world


With a mean download speed of 131.95, Luxembourg is among the 10 countries that have the fastest internet in the world.
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Luxembourg cooperation with Japan External Trade Organisation


National innovation agency Luxinnovation has signed a memorandum of cooperation with JETRO, the Japan External Trade Organisation, in order to support innovative Japanese companies looking to open offices in Luxembourg.
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Luxembourg remains a strong innovator


Luxembourg remains the 7th best-performing EU country in the 2022 edition of the European Innovation Scoreboard and continues to stand out for its highly attractive research system.
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Previsionz expands to Luxembourg


German-born Previsionz is one of the recent additions to Luxembourg’s data ecosystem. Supported by Luxinnovation, the data analytics company has chosen Luxembourg as its springboard for international growth.
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Luxembourg 13th most competitive country in the world


Luxembourg is ranked as the world’s 13th most competitive country in the 2022 edition of the IMD World Competitiveness Ranking. The country ranks 1st in the world for its economic performance.
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Luxembourg among top 10 countries for post-COVID FDI recovery


Foreign direct investment in Luxembourg increased by 85% during the first half of 2022, compared to the first 6 months of 2019.
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Luxembourg economy 3rd most resilient in the world


Luxembourg remains the world's 3rd most resilient economy in the 2022 FM Global Resilience Index. The country even strengthens its global score compared to last year.
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Fit 4 Start: Keys to success for international applicants


The 13th call for applications for Fit 4 Start is open until 19 September 2022. We spoke to programme manager Sven Baltes at Luxinnovation about what the start-up accelerator can offer international start-ups and the keys to preparing successful applications and pitches.
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Luxembourg among best cities to pursue a tech career


Luxembourg is the second most attractive city in the EU to pursue a tech career, according to a study by CodeClan.
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CONTEC develops space business from Luxembourg


Korean space ground station specialist CONTEC benefits from its European HQ in Luxembourg to expand business and partnerships in the EU. Having secured a fundraising round of $50 million, the company recently contributed to the successful launch of South Korea’s first home-grown space rocket.
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Luxembourg has 2nd highest high-speed internet coverage in the EU


The EU is steadily progressing towards its ambition to achieve gigabit connectivity in all EU households and 5G coverage for all populated areas in 2030. Luxembourg currently has the second highest high-speed internet coverage among the EU member states.
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Launch of the 13th edition of Fit 4 Start start-up acceleration programme to address innovative, tech- and data-driven ventures


The 13th edition of Fit 4 Start has officially been launched. The flagship start-up acceleration programme, initiated by the Ministry of the Economy and managed by Luxinnovation targets innovative, tech- and data-driven ventures.
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Luxembourg most attractive European country for international jobseekers


Luxembourg was the most attractive European country for international jobseekers in 2021, claims a recent study by Indeed Hiring Lab on shifts in international job search.
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Luxembourg to create space campus


The future Space Campus will provide specific geographic areas in Luxembourg exclusively dedicated to space-related activities to ensure the competitive position of companies and public research organisations in this field.
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Luxembourg #1 in the EU for government R&D spending per capita


Recent statistics from EUROSTAT show that the Luxembourg government allocate by far the biggest national R&D budget in the European Union in relation to the size of the population.
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Discovering Luxembourg


Hills, forests and unique rock formations, medieval castles, UNESCO World Heritage sites and places that witnessed the birth and key progress of the European Union: Luxembourg has much to offer the curious visitor. This truly cosmopolitan country with a long tradition of welcoming people from abroad also provides old and new residents with an excellent quality of life.
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